Monday, September 30, 2019

College Students Poor Food Choices Due to Stress Essay

Some examples of uncomfortable feelings might be anxiety, depression, feeling pressured, procrastination, troubled relationships with peers, not doing well in academics, or not being economically successful. Students that live in the dorms may choose fattening foods at the cafeteria or â€Å"treat† themselves to fast food because they are emotionally unstable. Most of these college students also do not think that their new habit is a negative one. The reason why college students eat fattening, high sugar foods could be because of a mental or a biological satisfaction. This research will give an explanation for why many medicate their emotional states with food. Food choices are often made based on one’s unhappiness, angst, or trauma. College students may feel as though pleasing their mouths will please their hearts and ease their state of stress. Many will endorse preferring the taste of highly salted, high sugar content foods, while others will state that this is the food they grew up eating, and some will say this is what is most affordable and accessible. Doing anything excessive because a stressor is acting upon you damages ones psyche; when one over eats and becomes obese, their sense of your self-image is altered negatively. The Cafe with buffets, fast food restaurants, and late night pizza deliveries are just a few of the enticements that college students are facing as they adjust to their new found independence and life on their own for the first time. My freshman roommate was from Sweden; when she came to America she was considered a normal weight. However, as she was experiencing the college and had a lot of American food available she chose fast food and unhealthy foods at the cafe at school to cope with being home sick, and being stressed out about school and soccer. However, she woke up one morning and realized that her belly was much bigger than when she first came to America. She waddled over to a mirror and grabbed her stomach and said, â€Å"how come you’re stomach is not this big? We almost do the same things. † I said, â€Å"I knew it was secretly a dream of yours to be ‘thick’ so the vitamins I gave you the other night were for you to get big overnight. This just relieved the tension and she had gotten her insecurity off of her chest. However, it did not solve her psychological crisis that had triggered negative feelings about her physical appearance. The main reason why she was over eating and eating unhealthy was because she was depressed and missed home – not because she was hungry. Many college students go through the same scenario that my roommate experienced. Some students feel as though abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake will comfort them physically and mentally. This research will be done on the college students who live in the dorms at Holy Names University. The units of analysis that will be observed are poor food choices and the factors of stress. Some major influences that that affect food choice are biological determinants, economic determinants, physical determinants, social determinants, and psychological determinants. A mode of operation that can be observed is the biological purpose that food serves; to put nutrients into our body. Humans need energy and nutrients in order to survive and will respond to the feelings of hunger or satisfaction of appetite. The central nervous system is involved in controlling the balance between hunger, appetite stimulation and food intake. Palatability is proportional to the pleasure someone experiences when eating a particular food. This aspect will most likely play a huge part in the decision making process for the food choices that college students make. Palatability is dependent on the sensory properties of the food such as taste, smell, texture and appearance. Sweet and high-fat foods have an undeniable sensory appeal. It is not surprising then that food is not solely regarded as a source of nourishment but is often consumed for the pleasure value it imparts. Another mode of operation that can be observed is the psychological factors that are in play during the decision making of making proper food choices. Stress and one’s mood can modify behaviors that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice. The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the various types of stress one can experience. The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the stressor and the circumstances. In general, some people eat more and some eat less than normal when experiencing stress. Studies also suggest that if work stress is prolonged or frequent, then adverse dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and consequently cardiovascular risk. Other than causing likely psychological insecurities, obesity can bring on a plethora of health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee and joint problems, various types of cancer and death. Bellise 2005) This study will be nomothetic; it will be describing the study of food choices and agents of stress within the cohorts of undergraduates that live in the dorms, particularly on the C-floor level of Durocher, on the Holy Names University campus. This research will be done by using deductive reasoning. Sometimes this is called the â€Å"top-down† approach because the researcher starts at the top with a very broad spectrum, which would narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that can be tested. Stress can cause bad eating habits like impulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, or compensatory behavior. The key variables and concepts involved in this study are stress and poor food choices. One should not use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, because afterwards he or she will feel even worse. Becoming obese not only causes many physical disadvantages, but also can create psychological insecurities that must be dealt with. I will be using the Student Stress Survey (SSS) that measures the major sources of stress among college students. Also, I will be using a Eating Habit Questionnaire (EHQ) to measure how healthy one’s choices are when they make decisions about food. Some contributing indicators for stress are: anxiety disorders, weight problems, depression, premature aging, heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, memory loss/brain fog, migraines, PMS, sleep problems, seasonal affective disorders, joint disorders, and sexual dysfunction. The peculiar thing is, that the indicators for having malnutrition are similar. However, when dealing with bad eating habits, one who isn’t getting enough food or nutrition or one that doesn’t have enough food or nutrition, can also have more serious indicators like: cancer, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, advanced aging, hormonal imbalance, and a decrease of hepatic function. The level of measurement that will be utilized during this research is mainly ordinal. This research will focus on two dimensions, food choice and level of stress. This allows the research to demonstrate how stress affects ones all around health. During this research, there will be two different types of surveys that will be combined and put into one leading scale measurement. This research will ask HNU students, qualitative questions that are open-ended, sampling questions or scenarios that make individuals contemplate about their food decisions and how it can be used to medicate depression. This is a collective case study that introduces a typology that is useful when selecting participants in multiple-case studies. This typology centers on a parallel sampling design. A parallel sampling design represents a body of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two cases. Unfortunately, there can be a few open ended scenarios where someone could have just been eating badly for that week or some food is more convenient during a time period than another. Another thing to take into account is that perhaps some deal with stress differently than others. Part II This research will take place through the Holy Names University dorm rooms and I will be going door to door, starting with the people that live on my floor, then to the people that live above and below me in Durocher. These students are all undergraduates that are not freshmen. I will be asking as many people as I can later that night because that is when most of my peers are available to sit down and take a survey. The reliability for this experiment should be accurate because this is a replicated study of a survey and a questionnaire that have already been tested and have ways of measuring how sever ones stress is and what food choices one makes. This study has the ability to perform the exact same way every time it is being tested and it will be interpreted under the same conditions. The validity that will be focused on during this experiment is concurrent validity which measures the test against a set benchmark; higher correlated indicators prove that my test has strong criterion validity. Therefore, those who rank higher in stress levels and also rank high in eating unhealthy prove my theory true. The Survey: EHQ: Instructions: * This is not a test. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. * Read or listen to each question carefully and think about it before you choose an answer. * To choose an answer, put an X next to your choice. Choose only one answer for each question unless you are asked to choose more than one. * If you want to change an answer, erase your old answer and mark your new choice. Be sure to erase completely. * Do not skip any questions. What Gender do you fall under? ___Male ___Female Check the food in each line that you think is better for your health. 1. ___cookies OR ___an apple 3. ___chocolate cake OR ___an orange 4. ___ice cream OR __ _fresh fruit cup 5. ___whole milk OR ___low-fat or skim milk 6. ___frozen yogurt OR ___ice cream 7. ___french toast OR ___whole wheat toast . ___grilled chicken sandwich OR ___hamburger 9. ___baked potato OR ___french fries 10. ___fruit juice OR ___soda 11. ___donut OR ___bread 12. ___cold or ready-to-eat cereal OR ___eggs and bacon 13. ___green salad OR ___popcorn 14. ___raisins OR ___candy bar 15. ___pasta OR ___pizza Check the box under YES or NO to answer the following questions if you have experienced this at Holy Names University based off of the availability to the Cafeteria and a grocery store near by: In the last 2 weeks, did you ever. . . | YES| NO| 16. Eaten fruits for bereakfast? | | | 17. SSS: To determine your stress score, add up the number of points corresponding to the events you have experienced in the past 12 months. 1. Death of a close family member (100 points) 2. Death of a close friend (73 points) 3. Divorce between parents (65 points) 4. Jail term (63 points) 5. Major personal injury or illness (63 points) 6. Marriage (58 points) 7. Firing from job (50 points) 8. Failing a class (47 points) 9. Change in health of a family member (45 points) 10. Pregnancy (45 points) 11. Sex problems (44 points) 12. Serious argument with close friend (40 points) 3. Change in financial status (39 points) 14. Change in scholastic major (39 points) 15. Trouble with parents (39 points) 16. New girl-or boyfriend (37 points) 17. Increase in workload at school (37 points) 18. Outstanding personal achievement (36 points) 19. First quarter/semester in college (36 points) 20. Change in living conditions (31 points) 21. Serious argument with an instructor (30 points) 22. Lower grades t han expected (29 points) 23. Change in sleeping habits (29 points) 24. Change in social activities (29 Points) 25. Change in eating habits (28 points) 26. Chronic car trouble (26 points) 27. Change in the, number of family get-togethers (26 points) 28. Too many missed classes (25 point) 29. Change of college (24 points) 30. Dropping of more than one class (23 points) 31. Minor traffic violations (20 points) 32. Roommate problems (15 points) _________Total Points Here’s how to interpret your score. If your score is 500-645, you are at high risk for developing bad eating habits because you are more stressed. If your score is 200-350, you have a 50-50 chance of experiencing a serious effect on your health based on your level of stress. If your score is below 150, you have a less serious chance of your stress level interfering with your food decision making. Bibliography Carol Olander. Eating habit questionnaire. 1999. 3/13/13 <http://www. nncc. org/evaluation/nutrition5. html>. Dr. France Bellisle. The Determinants of Food Choice . 08/03/2013. 3/09/12 <http://www. eufic. org/article/en/expid/review-food-choice/>. Grilo, C. M. , & White, M. A. (2011). A controlled evaluation of the distress criterion for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(4), 509-514. doi: 10. 1037/a0024259 Grossbard, J. R. , Atkins, D. C. , Geisner, I. M. , & Larimer, M. E. (2012). Does depressed mood moderate the influence of drive for thinness and muscularity on eating disorder symptoms among college men? Psychology of Men & Mascularity, doi: 10. 1037/a0028913 Mackinnon, S. P. , Sherry, S. B. , Graham, A. R. , Stewart, S. H. , Sherry, D. L. , Allen, S. L. McGrath, D. S. (2011). Reformulating and undergraduate women: A short term, three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(4) , 630-646. doi: 10. 1037/a0025068 Morehead State University . Stress Survey. 2011. 3/12/13 <http://www2. oreheadstate. edu/leo/index. aspx? id=6299>. Stice, E. , Rohde, P. , Shaw, H. , & Marti, C. N. (2012). Efficacy trail of a selective precention program targeting both eating disorder symptoms and unhealthy weight gain among female college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 164-170. doi: 10. 1037/a0026484 Tylka, T. L. , & Kroon, V. D. (2013). The int uitive eating Scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation with college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(1), 137-153. doi: 10. 1037/a0030893;10. 1037/a0030893. supp (Supplemental)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cold War Essay

How was the Cold War fought? †¢ Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying documents in Part A. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the source of the document and the author’s point of view. Be sure to: 1. Carefully read the document-based question. Consider what you already know about this topic. How would you answer the question if you had no documents to examine? 2. Now, read each document carefully, underlining key phrases and words that address the document-based question. You may also wish to use the margin to make brief notes. Answer the questions which follow each document. 3. Based on your own knowledge and on the information found in the documents, formulate a thesis that directly answers the question. 4. Organize supportive and relevant information into a brief outline. 5. Write a well-organized essay proving your thesis. The essay should be logically presented and should include information both from the documents and from your own knowledge outside of the documents. Question: How did the Cold War begin and what â€Å"weapons† were used to fight this war? Part A:–The following documents provide information about the Cold War. The offensive missiles could destroy most cities in the Western Hemisphere. Consequently, he demanded that the Soviet Union remove these missiles from Cuba and â€Å"end this dangerous arms race. † Document 9 Premier Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles because he said they were only put there to defend and protect Cuba from an attack. Since the U. S. had promised that Cuba will not be attacked by any country in the Western Hemisphere, the missiles were no longer needed. The threat of nuclear was lifted and the world stepped back from the brink of war. 127 Additional Information Beyond the Documents

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Better to Be Loved or Feared

Machiavelli, the well-known philosopher of the Italian Renaissance, poses this question in this famous book excerpt The Morals of the Prince: is it better to be loved than feared, or vice versa? Machiavelli answers his own question, arguing that a prince is much safer being feared than being loved. Inducing fear upon his subjects with cruelty will keep them united and loyal. Those who are fearful of a person of any authority are more inclined not to cross the boundary of disrespect, for fear of punishment. Without a doubt, being loved is desired and has a greater value compared to being feared.Love has the power to nurture, support and ultimately, liberate; fear restricts, denies and imprisons. Personal growth and human achievement thrive on love, while fear hampers and destroys potential. Many people who aspire to be feared actually are fearful people themselves. They command respect rather than earning it, but they desperately want it all the same. To allow ourselves to be loved we have to also allow ourselves to be vulnerable. If we are very fearful people then we may feel that we need to form a protective emotional barrier around ourselves and shut out love.When this happens we may come across to others as cold and unfeeling. At the same time we may want to have as much control as possible, including control over other people. Being loved is not about having to abandon discipline, or being soft and fuzzy. For me, love means that the support, instruction, good example and encouragement help others towards freedom and goodness. It brings respect, emulation and admiration. Yet there are some in positions of power and authority, who would disagree, believing that fear achieves more. A dictatorial and rigid boss will rule by fear.Fear of the consequences, for workers, if they cannot meet his or her demands, is the way such a person chooses to operate. The unfortunate people who have to work for such a tyrant will be afraid of losing their jobs. Those people afraid to offer innovative ideas, and afraid to approach the feared person with even the simplest request work under duress, as stress and resentment build, disgusted to go to work, but fearing to do anything other than what the boss demands. In such a restrictive atmosphere, the job will get done, productivity figures might be reached, but nobody other than this boss will have much pleasure and satisfaction.Those who are in positions of great importance and power have been advised throughout the centuries that an aura of fear can be their best asset. Famous leaders who used fear, while pretending that love was a motivational factor, include Hitler, and Stalin. The historical evidence of them having been feared and the results of that, speaks volumes for how fear does indeed restrict and imprison, while denying the human spirit. Some iconic individuals in history, who have led by love and not fear, come to mind as examples of how it all works. John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa are particularly good illustrations. They each, in their own way, encouraged the goodness in those they led, so that individuals felt supported in ways that helped them achieve personal goodness. They have had a huge following because they were appreciated and respected for the love that they showed to the world. The world benefited by their having been in it. These are the kind of people who have continued to influence others long after they were gone. We have seen value in their life. Fear that is held about a person can diminish when they die. We have no reason to be afraid of them anymore. We may, nevertheless, still remember that person, but in a negative way. Either that or we may be grateful that they are no longer around. Love that is held for a person doesnt diminish when they die. Not only do we remember the person but we continue to experience the feeling of love that we had for them. In this way, love prevails over fear as it can be never ending. In family life, love plays the role of a powerful bullet which helps you to overcome all the difficulties that come across your path. You are able to share all your sorrows and pleasures with people who really love you and care for you. Though sometimes out of anger and fury we might behave distant but it does not mean that we dont care for each other. Family quarrels are bitter things but are of slightest importance. We should not care about these few unpleasant memories but rather we must consider and reflect about the existing love within our family members. To be loved, however, nurtures caring, compassion, loyalty, creativity, generosity of spirit, benevolence, unselfishness and other positive binding and giving emotions.It may also generate jealousy in some. But overall, it is a healthier relationship to have with other human beings. Love increases our sense of well-being, it elevates our sense of self-worth, and it serves to develop our character. It contributes to sincerity, and fulfillment in life. Looking at the wider implications of being loved or feared, then bringing this down to the everyday level of family life, working life, and social relationships, there is still no doubt that it is better to be loved than feared. .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing of nuclear power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing of nuclear power - Essay Example Now looking at the future of the world energy market is to consider trends in energy consumption at the end use sector level. With the exception of the transportation sector which is almost universally dominated by petroleum products at present, the mix of energy use in residential and business sector (commercial & industrial) can vary worldwide from country to country depending on the combination regional factors such as the availability of the energy resources, the level of economic development and political, social and demographic factors. Now the worldwide energy market is expected to increase on an average by 2% per year over the forecast period from 2002 to 2025, slightly lower than the 2.2% average annual growth rate from 1970 to 2002. Total energy use is projected to grow from 412 quadri billion British thermal unit(Btu) in 2002 to 645 quadri billion Btu in 2025. Emerging economies account for much of the projected growth in marketed energy consumption over the next two decades with energy use in this group be more than double by 2025.Economic activity as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) is purchasing power parity terms, is expected to expand 5.1% per year in the emerging economies as... s expected to expand 5.1% per year in the emerging economies as compared with 2.5% per year in mature market and 4.4% in transitional market economies. On the basis of consumption: Domestic or Residential sector: The residential sector is defined by the energy consumed in household excluding transportation uses. The type of energy used by household varies from country to country depending on income levels, natural resources and available energy infrastructures. Households in mature market economies use energy more intensive than those in less developed economies primarily because of higher income level. In Mexico, country's residential energy consumption projected to increase by 3.4% per year in USA it is 1.6% while in Western Europe it is expected to increase by 0.4% per year from 2002 to 2025.Residential electricity use in transitional economies is projected to grow nearly double in the projected period of 2002 to 2025. Household energy use is projected to increase most rapidly in the emerging economies in the coming decades. In this region the population growth and urbanization will increase and create a larger demand for residential energy services. As a result the emerging economies in 2025 are projected to nearly equal the mature market economies in residential energy use. Business segment: a. Commercial sector: Often referred as the services sector or the services and institutional sector, consists of business organization that provides services. Due to slow rate of population growth in mature market as a whole expected demand in this region projected to grow by 1.9% per year from 2002 to 2025. Many countries in transitional economies expected to see their population decline during the period 2002 to 2025; commercial sector electricity consumption is projected

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ancient Chinese Contributions - Essay Example China is the motherhood of various objects that have become an integral part of every house and office. The inventions suggested by ancient China concern every sphere of human life. They are created to make human life more interesting and convenient. Each of the above-mentioned inventions is very significant and useful for the whole world. Moreover, each of them has an interesting and unique history that is worth paying attention to. Every person saw or played with a kite at least once in his/her life. The first kites were applied by Chinese people. It happened approximately two thousand and eight hundred years ago. It is known that this object was created by Chinese philosophers – Mozi and Lu Ban (Backus 2002). It happened in the fifth century BC. However, the usage of kites was not the same as today. They were applied as a message for a rescue mission. Sometimes kites were used by Chinese people for various purposes – measuring distances, signalling, military communic ation, testing the wind and lifting people. Today people resort to the use of compass in order not to be lost at the forest or in any other unknown place. It is a good device to use in order to find out the right direction. However, today a few people know about the initial role of compass. It was created by Chinese people in order to fulfil various religious purposes. ... In fact, it is the father of modern calculators. Before the invention of abacus people had to use fingers and hands. It was not very convenient. So, China gave the world a better way to count various things. This invention appeared about 3000 B.C. (Challen 2005). This device consisted of beads and wood. It was not very difficult to carry or hold abacus. It is applied even today, when there are computers and calculators at all offices. However, it is still rather convenient to use abacus, because it helps to keep track of numbers.

Multicultural Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Multicultural Education - Essay Example The race is an insightful contributor towards the increasing need to embrace multicultural education around the world. In regard to the increasing interaction of different communities online and physically particularly on an education platform, multiculturalism is promoted by the author in lengths and depths. By offering a global approach from the United States and European perspective on the topic, the author is clearly relevant to the contemporary socio-economic and political dynamism among learners. In an effort to achieve cultural diversity among the various people of diverse backgrounds in schools, the author emphasizes the importance of tolerance for a better learning environment. Despite demonstrating the outstanding significance of this concept, the text has some information gap in regard to comparative statistics to support facts. The author introduces the role of multicultural education. In the United States, the author portrays a society of multi cultural characteristics with significantly diverse socio-economic and political viewpoint. In that respect, Learners must be accommodated in their different cultural backgrounds to promote expression of individual’s views with the goal of achieving convergent interests. The author emphasizes education system as critical in imparting democratic spirit in the society as it involves learners from childhood towards adulthood. The text is relevant to the increasing need to expand democratic approach in conflict resolution and sound governance systems in this era of globalization.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The effects of the Canadian residential school on the modern Essay

The effects of the Canadian residential school on the modern aboriginal people - Essay Example residential schools, they were subjected to different forms of torture ranging from physical to sexual abuse and provision of inferior education that was not competitive with the Euro-Canadians (Barth, 2008). Several effects of this treatment are being felt up to date by the modern aboriginals. One of the effects of this is the loss of the aboriginal culture that is passed down generations and this means that the modern aboriginals do not recognize fully their culture. The abuse these people passed through when young has affected their present whereby they become abusers or do not know how to maintain relations. Since the children did not get a chance to be nurtured properly by their parents since they were away in these schools, they also do not know how to nurture their own children. The abuse led them to have a low self-esteem and even feelings of worthlessness which has translated to a large number of them attempting suicide now that they are grown up (Episkenew, 2009). These effects will continue unless measures are taken sooner. Some of these measures are slow or not tailored to reverse some of these effects like culture loss which even with therapy will not come back (Austin and Boyd,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cultural Criticism of My Dad Is A Liar Commercial Essay

Cultural Criticism of My Dad Is A Liar Commercial - Essay Example In the first section of the commercial the girl is praising her father. It starts by her acknowledging that her father is the sweetest father in the world. She continues praising him and the scene changes from the street where they were taking a walk to a different scene and it keeps on changing to support each description that she gives about her father. The commercial in this case is using video to paint and support the girl’s descriptions of the father. This makes the message more vivid and straightforward to the viewers. The girl’s short phrases and childish tone brings about a cheery mood. This mood is backed up by lively background music. This is to make the commercial tone vibrant.The second part of the commercial introduces contrast into the commercial. While the first part of the commercial was vibrant and full of praises for the father, the second part begins by the girl declaring that the father is a liar. This is a contradicting statement to all that was sai d in the first part and it introduces shock. The tone in this section drastically changes from a vibrant tone to an emotional and sentimental one. This new tone and mood can be noted from the change in background music. The emotional and sentimental moods can also be seen from the change in voice variation of the girl; she speaks quietly and slowly in this section. Film has also been used to enhance these new tones. The facial expression of the father changes after he reads the statement declaring that he is a liar.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the accuracy of Winston Churchill's description of the United Essay

Discuss the accuracy of Winston Churchill's description of the United States - Essay Example Some people may label certain actions as right when it comes to a particular situation, whereas others will call it wrong. Most of the time, it is something in between the two. The United States frequently takes action, and it is very hard to determine whether that action was right or wrong. I think that for the most part, only history and hindsight will be able to reveal the reality. One example that I think illustrates this particular idea is the War in Iraq. The United States took very swift action against Iraq after the September 11th attacks. I think that this action might be considered right by some as the U.S. couldn’t not respond to the terrorist attacks. Our country would have been viewed as weak and ineffectual if we hadn’t reacted. However, some people might think it was wrong that we attacked Iraq specifically because many of the terrorists on the hijacked planes were from Saudi Arabia, so some didn’t understand why we went to war with Iraq. At the time, it was thought that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction and was funding the terrorist organizations. However, American has learned since then that this wasn†™t the case. I think this particular circumstance illuminates how muddled the concepts of right and wrong are in today’s society. I think that for the most part Churchill’s statement is largely inaccurate when looking at America’s decisions from an American perspective. While some countries may think that America does not do the right thing, I think that we try to do the right thing for our own country, which makes sense in the larger sense of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

By close reference to the Lumber Room Essay Example for Free

By close reference to the Lumber Room Essay By Close Reference to The Lumber Room and The Destructors examine the behaviour of Nicholas and Trevor and stay how far you feel that actions are understandable and justified The two boys, Trevor and Nicholas have a very different behaviour but they have the same reason to perform their actions on their enemies. This reason is revenge. Although, the action they take to gain revenge are very different. Trevor carries out his revenge on society by destroying Mr Thomass or Old Miserys house whereas Nicholas takes his vengeance on his sio-distant aunt by spoiling her image as an adult. Trevor plans to destroy the house when Mr Thomas will be away all tomorrow and Bank Holiday, and after he becomes the leader of the Wormsley Common Gang. This gives him more confidence and power to plan the tactics, and more respect from the gang. Trevor does this by going to see the interior design and structure of the house. As Trevor said to Blackie; He showed it to me, proves this. He is determined to demolish the house with the help and support of the gang. As Blackie said to the gang; Its proposed that to-morrow and Monday we destroy Old Miserys house, shows this. He orders them to perform different jobs using different tools such as nails, chisels, saws, and hammers to carry out the operation. As Trevor orders Blackie; When youve finished in here crack the plaster in the passage up with you sledge-hammer, illustrates an idea of this. To completely tear down the house they attach a piece of rope from the house to a lorry and wait for the lorry driver to start the vehicle. However, Nicholas prepares to ruin his sio-called aunts image as an adult. When Nicholas is not given a special meal he puts the frog in his milk to prove to the adults that they can be wrong at certain times and that they dont listen to him. This causes his aunt to make him stay at home after annoying them. Nicholas goes into the lumber room to trick her into thinking that he has entered the gooseberry garden when he is not suppose to. As the aunt remarked to herself; Only because I have told him he is not to, proves this. She tries to catch him into doing something wrong by entering the garden but slips into the rain-water tank. Nicholas then hears her calling him and reaches the front of the garden. He informs her that he is not allowed to enter the garden and accuses her of being the Evil One as she lied to him. As Nicholas shouts to his aunt; Now I know that you are the Evil One and not aunt, illustrates this. Nicholas finally punishes his aunt by not rescuing her out of the tank. His behaviour is excessive and unnatural as a young child. Trevors action is understandable because the house was constructed and designed by Christopher Wren and not by his father, it contained panellings and stairs, its survived in the Blitz, and its state was still looking beautiful. Trevor also did this as his family had dropped down their position in society. This was that his father had lost his high position job as an architect and had to apply for a low position job as a clerk. As Trevor said to the gang; Wren built that house, father says, proves this. All of these factors make Trevor jealous as he does not have these things now, and so this causes him to destroy the house to take his revenge on society. Although, Nicholass action is understandable because he tries to prove to the adults that they can be wrong at certain occasions and that they dont listen to him when he mentions something important. As Nicholas repeated to them; You said there couldnt possibly be a frog in my bread-and-milk; there was a frog in my bread-and-milk, proves this. This causes him to stay at home as a punishment from his aunt. All of these aspects cause Nicholas to take his revenge on his soi-distant aunt by spoiling her image as an adult. Trevors action is not justified because he is taking his revenge on the wrong sector of society. This is futile as it does not affect the people who made Trevors family descend down in society but Mr Thomas, an innocent and old person who lived in the beautiful house all alone, and did not cause any of this to them. I also feel that Trevor does not have the right to destroy the house because it is not his property but Mr Thomass. Nevertheless, Nicholass action is justified because he was debarred to go to Jagborough sands with the other children by his soi-distant aunt, and so had to stay at home as a form of punishment from her. Therefore, my opinion on this is beneficial because Nicholas feels that his aunt should not have punished him in trying to prove the characteristics of the adults. I also approve of his action because I feel that adults should admit their mistakes, listen to what children say, and not disregard their views.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Essential Criteria For An Ideal Learning Environment English Language Essay

Essential Criteria For An Ideal Learning Environment English Language Essay After World War II, while the bomb damaged parliamentary buildings were being reconstructed, Winston Churchill urged that design of the great oratory halls remain as before. Fearing that a different plan might diminish the importance of their traditional form of debate, he stated, we shape our buildings and then they shape us. His statement raises an important question: Does the man made environment affect how we live and act within it? Commercial, retail and entertainment industries pay close attention to the formation of space. We often judge the quality of a restaurant prior to sampling the cuisine. We are then surprised or justified in our opinions of the quality of a product based on the surroundings within which we experience it. Do schools and classroom spaces enhance or detract from the learning process? Learning is essentially a mental process. So why do we bother with how the classroom looks or feels? Educational philosopher John Dewey urged that the learning environment be humane and attentive to individual children rather than be a form of mass instruction. Exceptional teachers however, sometimes boast of their ability to practice their art anywhere and under adverse circumstances. A fundamental question must be asked: How does one learn? Early discoveries by noted Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and more recent theories explored by educator Howard Gardner have expanded the more traditional views of the process of learning. Age, sex, culture and individual character greatly influence not only ones ability to learn but indicate a multitude of ways that an individual potentially can learn. Learning is no longer considered merely an accumulation of knowledge but rather the understanding or ability to construct knowledge in meaningful ways for a particular purpose or solution to a well defined problem. The individual style of a teacher, the curriculum being presented, the maturity and learning ability of the individual student must each be accommodated within the classroom space. If these are thoughtfully considered, the new learning environments will enhance, not hinder the learning process. As more is discovered about the learning process, the curriculum and style of pedagogy will periodically be updated, adapted and re-evaluated. The classroom space will also undergo a similar scrutiny. The physical environment then, should not be constructed to manipulate or influence a particular style of teaching or learning, but rather be responsive to and adaptive by individual teacher and student needs. Over the past fifteen years, I have worked with several educators to design, build and remodel dozens of educational facilities. The past two years were spent in observing and researching teaching practices through a masters thesis study. I have concluded that the following six (6) general categories include criteria which are essential components necessary for meeting the demands of learning based schools. Both the designer and the teacher should understand and be aware of these qualities to ensure their careful consideration to construct an optimum learning environment. 1. Size, Shape and Scale: The size of a room affects the possible arrangement of activities within it. Generally, the larger the room, the more flexibility and the smaller, the more intimate. A rectangular shaped room affords more interactive visibility between occupants whereas L shaped ones or ones with alcoves allow for variety of privacy to individual learners. Movable wall devices can accommodate many different shapes. Scientific observations indicate that the student builds confidence through achievement. The ability to relate to elements within a room affords a degree of self empowering through scale that is relative. Size and locations of counters, windows, furniture and storage elements all should be considered or be adapted to the scale of the user(s). 2. Acoustical Quality and Noise Control: Acoustical liveliness is a product of room configuration (parallel walls), surface finishes (hard, soft), material density (solid, hollow) and air tightness (sound transfer). A room designed for music is constructed very differently from one designed for quiet conversation. Shower spaces are great for singing but poor for conducting discussions. If group activities are more prevalent than a single lecture source, rooms should more sound absorptive. Learning is hampered when the teacher or students do not have a common language or when students are unfamiliar with a strange concept if the spoken words are not heard or clearly enunciated. Hard walls such as glass or marker boards should not oppose each other but rather be opposite an open storage areas of differing heights and depths. Disturbing echoes or flutters can also be mitigated by angling walls at least 5 degrees out of their original parallel plane. Carpet on floors and acoustical ceilings cut down on reverberation (sound that continues to bounce). Massive walls or ones with sound insulation prevent exterior noise transfer but only if there is no air gap (walls only to the bottom of suspended ceilings do not help). If windows or doors must be opened for ventilation, a low frequency sound can be used to mask conversations or exterior noise which may disturb individual discussions. 3. Illumination and Views: High energy costs caused the design and production of efficient lighting systems for both business and school facilities. Incandescent fixtures have been replaced by fluorescent fixtures as the most common electric light source within classrooms. The human need and desire for natural sunlight and for views to adjacent spaces (for orientation) requires that the two illumination sources be balanced for a variety of activities. Because daylight varies with the season, time of day, weather and position of glazing, controls are necessary for its admission into the interior. Electric light sources are more easily controlled not only when balancing with sunlight but for the specific tasks that need illumination. Glare caused by the imbalance of light sources within ones field of view or bounced off of a reflective surface (marker board or computer monitor) is one of the major causes of irritation and is a detriment to learning. Knowledge of the extreme ratio of daylight to electric light (a s great as 500:1) requires that control devices for reflecting, shading or blocking be carefully considered. Reflectivity of surface finishes, arrangement and location of light sources as well as their method for diffusion within the classroom all play an important role in the comfort for the student and teacher for the purpose of learning. 4. Temperature, Humidity and Ventilation: Several studies indicate that teachers rather than students are more upset by temperature fluctuations within a classroom. Test scores are not adversely affected by temperatures except under extreme conditions. Students generally like the temperature slightly cooler (5 degrees to 10 degrees) than do teachers. Traditionally, boys or mens clothing insulates their bodies slightly better than does girls or womens clothing. Because the temperature, humidity and ventilation of an enclosed space will depend on a number of factors including the configuration and materials of the building, amount of glazing, size and volume of the space, number of occupants and their current state of activity as well as the heating and cooling system, flexibility for manipulating that system is extremely important for comfort. If the teacher must override existing controls by opening doors or windows to augment their comfort, the system is self defeated and the teacher probably agitated (i.e. not doing the be st teaching). Controls should be independent for each space and be simple to operate. 5. Communication, Electrical Power and Technology: The advent of electrically powered devices over the past four decades has increasingly invaded the home, business and educational environments. From satellite broadcasts to surfing the Internet, learning opportunities are constantly changing. Regardless of the individual pedagogy or curriculum utilized, a variety of electronic tools now augment and have become integral to the classroom. The business community has pioneered and developed flexible systems that are easily planned and readily available now within the classroom environment. Audio and data transfer systems are simple to network and upgrade when necessary. Raceways or conduits provided at regular intervals allow present and future planning of communication, power and technology. Floor (power and data) outlets should be avoided because of the possibility of maintenance or tripping hazards. Counter height and surface outlets, overhead poles or retractable coils provide needed flexibility. 6. Material Finishes, Textures and Colours: More controversy is evoked over the colour or texture of a finish material than any other aspect of its use. Studies indicate that 25 % of the population view or perceive colour differently than do the remaining majority. Colours not only evoke cultural style but have historic and symbolic references as well. Bright and light colours tend to advance and dim or dark colours tend to recede. Smooth surfaces appear harder than do rough textures. Self esteem affects an individuals learning progress. Since much of the work displayed within a classroom is student work, ease of display is extremely important. Surface colours must be none competing with exhibited work. Tack able wall surfaces are created with either sound absorbent (tack able) board or vinyl wall material wrapped around a durable surface and then adhered to the substrate. Finishes within reach of students should be cleanable, durable and/or replaceable. Apart from the finish of materials, the perception of newness or cleanlin ess also affects learning. Equivalent schools were observed as one was repainted and the other was not. Attendance and test scores improved dramatically in the facility which was simply refinished. Conclusions on Interrelationships: It is obvious that all of these criteria are interrelated. A small habitable space with a large amount of glazing with southern exposure (in the northern hemisphere) will most likely be bright and warm on a clear day. If a window is opened adjacent to a playground, noise will penetrate the room. If walls are finished with a glossy paint over hard surfaces such as plaster, speech will be difficult to understand especially as more individuals speak simultaneously. If a marker or chalk board is opposite an exterior window, it will be difficult to see because of the resultant glare. If floors are finished with a composition tile which was intended for easier maintenance, the room will reverberate and be livelier than if finished with carpet. If the carpet colour is plain and either very light or dark, it will quickly appear to be dirty. There is nothing new or remarkable about these environmental considerations. We consider most of them when using our native common sense. We often make individual adjustments to our living and learning space(s) to be more functional or comfortable. However, sometimes these adjustments may diminish an others opportunity for learning. Tin foil or shades on windows reduce occasions for a view of the sky, a beautiful sunset, the landscape or an outside object used to illustrate a particular lesson. Shrinking the height of an existing classroom to reduce heating or cooling costs may alter the sound qualities or prevent the display of student work. Brightly coloured walls or high light levels may increase glare and possibly unwanted heat gain through lamp radiation. Hard cleanable surfaces may simplify maintenance tasks but increase reverberation or prevent teacher or student displays and consequently provide an atmosphere which is unpleasant to learn or teach within. All of these well int ended decisions resulted in unintentional problems which are known to affect childrens learning ability or make education more difficult. When planning or remodelling a classroom environment, a successful (subjective) learning space requires that both the educator and environmental designer understand the affects of each criteria quality with respect to learning as well as each criterias interrelationship to each other. A good classroom must include the possibility for individual control as well as provide a well proportioned, stimulating and comfortable learning space which takes advantage of local character, solar orientation, appropriate views, and proper functional interaction with adjoining learning elements and strong connections with the surrounding community. Allowing teachers to easily adapt learning environments to their individual pedagogical style(s) will increase the opportunity for student learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay -- Media Censorship

Media Controversy With the nation's violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, "why?" Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: "Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect?" The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in increased acceptance of violence as an appropriate means of solving problems and achieving one's goals. Since children younger than eight years cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality, they are uniquely vulnerable to learning and adopting as reality the circumstances, attitudes, and beh aviors portrayed by entertainment media. Therefore, media content should be regulated, especially for younger children, as well as increasing the difficulty of access to such content. This topic of violence in the media is hardly new. It has come to attention several times in the past decades and it seems like the only solution has been the ratings system. The rating system essentially rates the level of maturity of certain movies and games and puts a grade on them. These ratings range from ?E? for everyone to ?M? for mature on games and ?G? for general audience and ?NC-17? for not appropriate for those under 17 years of age on movies. In addition to these ratings, certain boxes contain warnings that caution... ...he majority of these incidents. The minors could not have received any professional training in the use of a firearm, and yet they were able to use one efficiently. Investigators said that the primary source of knowledge in the use of these weapons most likely came from the first-person-shooter games that were found in most of the gunners? possession. Clearly, certain measures must be taken to contain this problem. Violence in the general media is a very serious and real problem in our society today. The harshness of reality and popularity by demand ensures that the eradication of all violence from the media will never happen. But, one thing is certain: the growing culture of violence must be stopped as soon as possible. The human toll is too great to look the other way. As Victor Cline, the author of a book on media violence says: ?Where do you draw the line?? In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay -- Media Censorship Media Controversy With the nation's violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, "why?" Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: "Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect?" The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in increased acceptance of violence as an appropriate means of solving problems and achieving one's goals. Since children younger than eight years cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality, they are uniquely vulnerable to learning and adopting as reality the circumstances, attitudes, and beh aviors portrayed by entertainment media. Therefore, media content should be regulated, especially for younger children, as well as increasing the difficulty of access to such content. This topic of violence in the media is hardly new. It has come to attention several times in the past decades and it seems like the only solution has been the ratings system. The rating system essentially rates the level of maturity of certain movies and games and puts a grade on them. These ratings range from ?E? for everyone to ?M? for mature on games and ?G? for general audience and ?NC-17? for not appropriate for those under 17 years of age on movies. In addition to these ratings, certain boxes contain warnings that caution... ...he majority of these incidents. The minors could not have received any professional training in the use of a firearm, and yet they were able to use one efficiently. Investigators said that the primary source of knowledge in the use of these weapons most likely came from the first-person-shooter games that were found in most of the gunners? possession. Clearly, certain measures must be taken to contain this problem. Violence in the general media is a very serious and real problem in our society today. The harshness of reality and popularity by demand ensures that the eradication of all violence from the media will never happen. But, one thing is certain: the growing culture of violence must be stopped as soon as possible. The human toll is too great to look the other way. As Victor Cline, the author of a book on media violence says: ?Where do you draw the line??

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Favorite Horse Show Essays -- Personal Narrative, descriptive essay

As the first rays of the sun peak over the horizon, penetrating the dark, soft light illuminates the mist rising up from the ground, forming an eerie, almost surreal landscape. The ground sparkles, wet with dew, and while walking from the truck to the barn, my riding boots soak it in. The crickets still chirp, only slower now. They know that daytime fast approaches. Sounds, the soft rustling of hooves, a snort, and from far down the aisle a sharp whinny that begs for breakfast, inform me that the crickets are not the only ones preparing for the day. Sliding the barn doors open, I step into a warm, comforting environment. Musty straw mingles with the sharp aroma of pine shavings, complementing each other. A warm glow from sporadically placed incandescent lightbulbs richens the leather tack, all cleaned and hanging ready for the day's use. From it wafts the smell of a new pair of shoes. The fruity essence of "Show Sheen", applied after yesterday's baths, still lingers in the air. Even the harsh stinging scent of urine and manure is welcome at this early morning hour. Breaking open a bale of hay, I sense the sweetness of the dried timothy as it engulfs my olfactory system, making me wish my queasy stomach had not made me skip breakfast. I am nervous, as are many others. I know that the day ahead will bring excitement, dread, triumph, and defeat. The unpredictable nature of horse shows causes frenzied questions, like salmon spawning, to run constantly though my mind. Will the judge like my own particular style? What if t he red flowers bordering the first jump spook my horse? What if a piece of paper on the ground blows into the ring? Will this horse show be a success? The outcome depends not just on me; but a... ... to the barn, friends and family echo "congratulations" and "good for you". The feeling of accomplishment as I dismount amidst all of Hartwood's magic erases any doubts of earlier. Now we must pack. Our gear slowly fills the trucks, until finally, only the tack trunks remain. As I hold my ribbons, my gaze shifts to the showgrounds, almost deserted now, a forgotten battlefield with only the last stragglers searching for forgotten treasures, until I close my eyes and all of Hartwood's splendor flashes before me. Silently I say good bye. Laying my ribbons gingerly into my tack trunk, I straighten every wrinkle, smoothing them with my fingertips, almost caressing. Lowering the lid, I see their bright colors fade into the deep black darkness. Blues, reds, greens, soak in the smell of the neighboring leather, all tucked in, prepared for the long ride home.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Red Badge of Courage :: essays papers

Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane has written many remarkable poems, short stories, and novels throughout his short life (He lived only to the age of 29). The Red Badge of Courage is a tale of war, life, responsibility, and duty. It has been considered the first ^great modern novel of war^(Alfred Kazin). It traces the effects of war on Henry Fleming, a Union soldier, through his dreams of battle, his enlistment, and his experience through serveral battles of the Civil War. Henry, ^the youth^, was a young man who lived on a farm with his mother. He dreamed about what fighting in a war would be like, and dreamed of being a hero. He dreamed of the battles of war, and of what it would be like to fight in those glorious battles. His mother was a wise, caring woman who had strong convictions about not wanting Henry to goto war. She is a very hardworking woman, and loves her son a great deal. She gave him hundreds of reasons why he was needed on the farm and not in the war. Henry knew his mother would not want him to enlist, but it was his decision to make. He dreamed of the battles of war, and of what it would be like to fight in those glorious battles. He didn^t want to stay on the farm with nothing to do, so he made his final decision to enlist. After enlisting he finds himself in a similar situation, with nothing to do. While there he becomes friends with two other soldiers, John Wilson, ^the loud soldier / ^the friend^ and Jim Conklin, ^the tall soldier^. Wilson was a loud spoken and obnoxious soldier who becomes one of Henry^s best friends. Jim was a tall soldier and was a childhood friend of Henry^s. He was always calm and matter-of-fact like. He also loves pork sandwiches as that is all he eats. Wilson was as excited about going to war as Henry, while Jim was confident about the success of the new regiment. Wilson is acts very confident, and boasts of how well he will fight. After a few days of marching, Henry realizes that they have been wandering about aimlessly in circles. They continue to march wothout purpose, direction, and fighting. During this time Henry starts to think diffrently about war, amore close experienced way. He starts to lose some of his ideals of war, and starts to become scared of running away from a batlle.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Project Management Wembley Essay

Project Description The aim of the Wembley Stadium project was to build a new 90,000 seat state of art stadium. The new stadium was going to be used for a variety of functions ranging from football and rugby matches to concerts and private events. The stadium was to have a 50-year design life, and be both functional and architecturally significant. In addition, it was essential that the stadium allowed as much daylight and ventilation to reach the pitch as possible. A main goal was to have the build achieve UEFA five-star stadium status. The project was to be funded by a combination of state (National Lottery Fund) and private investment. Multiplex Multiplex is a global contractor based in Australia with expertise across the entire property sector. John Roberts started the firm in 1962 and was President for the next 44 years. In 2002, Roberts passed control of the firm to his son, Andrew. However, one of the last deals that John brought to the table before his retirement was the Wembley Stadium project. Multiplex had completed a number of stadiums prior to the Wembley project, most notably Stadium Australia. Stadium Australia was used as the Olympic stadium for the 2000 summer Olympics. It was constructed at a cost of $690 million and was able to hold 110,000 spectators. Although the Stadium Australia project was a success, Multiplex began to realize that their was much more risk in stadium construction than large-scale landmark buildings. Multiplex won the Wembley stadium contract after selection through a competitive bidding process in 1999. The bidding process was first narrowed down to two bids, however, it was eventually reopened to include two additional contractors. After final review, Multiplex signed a contract to  complete Wembley stadium at a fixed-price cost of  £352m. Mott MacDonald Mott MacDonald was the lead designer of the new Wembley stadium. They are a UK based employee-owned multidisciplinary consulting serving the public and private sectors world-wide. Cleveland Bridge Cleveland Bridge was the initial steel contractor associated with the project. They are based in Darlington, England and have a renowned reputation for bridge building. The Old Wembley Stadium The Empire Stadium in Wembley, popularly known as Wembley Stadium, was the most famous football ground in the world. After it opened in 1923, it evolved into England’s national team stadium for football matches. The FA Cup Final between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United on April 28, 1923 was the first event to take place at Wembley Stadium. The official attendance for the event was 126,047, which is still the largest for any football match in England. A year later, international football made its debut as England tied 1-1 with Scotland. Since then Wembley has hosted 78 FA Cup Finals, 258 England senior internationals, the 1966 World Cup, 40 League Cup Finals, 6 European Cup Finals, and Euro’96. However, it is not just football that has made Wembley stadium great through the years. In 1948, Great Britain won 23 medals at the Olympic games featured at the stadium. In addition, the stadium has hosted such events as boxing matches, rugby championships, greyhound racing, hockey, and even Evel Knivel. With some much history and importance, it was no surprise that a modern stadium was needed to continue the Wembley tradition into the next century. Project Goals The goal of the project was to create a new modern stadium that would continue in the tradition of Empire Stadium. As pointed out in the history section, the greatest tradition was football. In order to attract major football events (FA Cup, UEFA Finals, World Cup) the stadium must be built to five-star status. In order to adhere to this standards, the stadium must meet the minimum requirements in terms of the size of playing field, floodlighting, VIP parking, seat capacity, VIP seats, VIP seats for visiting team, VIP hospitality, media working area, space for camera’s, number of box seats, number of commentary positions, number of TV studios, outside van area, and press conference seats. B. Reasons for Project Failure The new Wembley stadium was completed in 2007—five years late,  £360m over budget, and surrounded by legal disputes. Before we perform our analysis, we would like to highlight some of the facts that lead to failure. Design Multiplex argued that Mott MacDonald’s design for the Wembley steel work was not fit for purpose and that the initial designs were not correct, constructible, coordinated and consistent. In other words, although the design looked good, it was very challenging and maybe impossible to replicate to scale. Scope Changes The initial scope was to include football, rugby, and athletics in the same stadium. This later became very controversial and resulted in the removal of athletics from the design in 1999, because of the technical and commercial challenges of accommodating three sports within the same stadium. In 2001, the scope was further changed with the removal of a hotel from the project, the expansion of hospitality suites, and considerably changes to the north side of the stadium. These changes took Mott MacDonald an additional 8 months to redesign. Contracting There was no formal bidding process. In addition, it appeared that not all bidders were treated equally. This can be seen when the bidding process was opened back up after the contractors were narrowed down to the final two. Anchoring to a Completion Date When it became a prime objective to finish the project in time for the 2006 FA Cup Final, efficiency and cost effectiveness became secondary issues. It appears many problems could have been avoided if Multiplex did not have to rush the job in order to meet unrealistic expectations. Multiplex claims that it has sustained significant losses as a result of a magnitude of contract breaches and acts of negligence by the client. Loss of Steel Contractor Cleveland Bridge terminated their contract in 2004 because they did not believe that they would be paid for materials and because they felt like the differences between them and Multiplex were too great. This was a major setback to the project. Multiplex now had to search and integrate a new steel contractor for the job. Communication Apart from the major changes in the scope, Multiplex was not given access to  vital design information. In turn, Multiplex underpriced the steelwork. Mott MacDonald had thought that Multiplex was aware of the state of design because they managed the design process and had intimately been involved in the design work.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Distinguish Between 2 Different Type of Communication Essay

This paper was a little difficult for me to write at first because I have never had to analyze my own communication styles and apply concepts to the type of communication styles I have encountered. Here is to learning how to understand communication and the different styles we encounter every day. I spent a lot of this past week encountering a lot of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communications is communicating through wordless messages. I have been sick and this has been the most sufficient and effective form of communication for me. While I was in the hospital, to effectively communicate to the nurse my needs sometimes I had to use gestures or facial expressions to let her know I was hungry or letting her know the room temperature was hot. Facial expressions are one of our primary means of conveying emotions. Deaf people rely on facial expressions and gestures to communicate. The machine I was hooked up to, to let the nurse know my stats, I believe is also form of communication. I believe it communicated to the nurse that I was not getting proper oxygen saturation so she was able to increase my oxygen intake base on what was communicated to her. I had a hard time speaking, so I did sometimes have to make some noises to let the nurse know I was in pain and needed assistance. She was able to understand my request and assist me accordingly. I also did a lot of online communication. I sent a lot of emails and messages to communicate with friends and family. I also have spent a lot of time listening. Listening is making an effort to hear something and to pay attention to either what is being said or the non-verbal communication gestures or messages given to you. Hearing what someone is saying to you is completely different then actually listening. Effective listening is to understand what is being said to you. I had to understand what the Dr. was explaining to me to be able to recover in a timely manner. I also had to remember to put into practice what the Dr. telling me in regards to my care. Remembering is an important stage of listening. Remembering is important because it can help me from getting into a sticky situation such as the Doctor asking me any questions regarding my treatment. If I was just hearing him and not listening and remembering what he said I would not be able to answer his questions accurately. I had to interpret what he was saying. I had to understand what was critical to my care as of right now and what I need to implement once I recover. I did this by listening to his words as well as watching his gestures and facial expressions. At some point I had to respond to the Doctor. I had to make him aware I was listening and remembering what he said I needed to do. I usually nodded my head and made direct eye contact given it was hard for me to communicate verbally until the last day. On the day of my discharge I was able to paraphrase to him what he needed me to do in order to recover and to maintain my health. When looking at this experience of listening, I would say it would be considered informational listening. I was engage to learn, taking information in so I was able to properly care for myself outside of the hospital and what I needed to do to keep from returning back.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Can Government Support Business Growth in the Uk

How Can Government Support Business Growth in the UK? Judging from major shopping centres and high streets, it is easy to conclude that the UK is dominated by large successful businesses. â€Å"However, Office for National Statistics figures (2008) show that 89% of all UK enterprises have less than 10 employees and 98. 1% have less than 50 employees; the very largest companies account for just 0. 4% of all UK business enterprises† (Birchall, 2009). Although there are several advantages of being a small firm, most businesses want to grow and this inspires the question: â€Å"What is business growth? LinkedIn (2012) defines business growth as â€Å"an innovation that delivers solutions to customers while adding value both internally and externally to our processes as well as increasing customer value while increasing profits†. In less complex terms, a business is said to be growing when it gets a better return on its investment. In this essay, I will be discussing the wa ys the government can support business growth. In doing this research, a question popped in my head, â€Å"Why should the government support business growth? † One of the major problems facing the UK currently is unemployment.Once a business starts growing, it is essential to hire more people to help power the development and ensure stability. As such, the problem of unemployment will be considerably reduced. Secondly, Stokes and Wilson (2006) have argued that â€Å"in recent times, small firms have proved to be an abundant source of very inventive ideas however, they lack resources to put them into practice without external assistance†. They also highlighted the fact that small firms are essential to compete with larger companies by providing alternating sources of supply thereby playing an immeasurable role in the anti-monopoly policy.Insufficient finance is a major cause of business failure and this is one of the major hindrances encountered by businesses in their p ursuit of growth. â€Å"Finance is critical for starting, maintaining and growing small and medium businesses therefore, it is vital that both start-ups and existing businesses have access to the full range of debt and equity financing options† (Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2010). Cameron (2011) in his speech about the role of small businesses expressed his shock at the way small and medium enterprises are blocked out of procurement and acquisition opportunities.In applying for bank loans, a business is required to possess a form of collateral or guarantee to support the application. Unfortunately for most businesses, they do not have sufficient collateral to back the application. The government can therefore set up schemes to help entrepreneurs obtain finance from financial institutions by agreeing to guarantee loans. For example, in 2011, Hong Kong launched the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme which was aimed at helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) obtain loans from financial institutions and in one year, there has been tremendous growth in several industries (SME Fund, 2012).In addition to guaranteeing loans, the UK government can also help firms or industries attract external investors or experts in specific fields – private individuals and companies. This can be achieved by either providing certain incentives to the investors and experts who will not only provide the funds needed to run the business but possess the knowledge and expertise required to grow the business; or creating a platform for entrepreneurs to present their ideas to these investors. In 2005, the British Broadcasting Corporation, backed by the UK government launched a show, Dragon’s Den (BBC, 2012).This was aimed at giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their businesses to five of the most wealthy business moguls in the UK. Also, in 2005, Mozambique’s government solicited the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help develop the ir tourism sector and in less than five years after, Mozambique has attracted over $33 million in investment and designated over 13,000 ha of land as sustainable tourism zones (IFC, 2012). The government can help the unemployed and disadvantaged start-up businesses of their own through special schemes.In 1999, the government recognised the need to encourage start-ups in disadvantaged companies so the Phoenix Fund was set up (Open Forum, 2012). The major objective of this scheme was to encourage investment in new and growing businesses. However, the unemployed population are still being ignored and some of them genuinely want to work but have met with one difficulty or another (Open Forum, 2012). The government can help by creating enabling opportunities for people to set up their own businesses at home. They can also set up Enterprise Allowance Schemes which will serve as incentives to these entrepreneurs.Furthermore, the government can interfere with the free market and save failin g businesses. However, there are two sides to this coin. On one hand, government’s intervention through policies would result in a better controlled trading environment and can stabilise faltering economies. An example of this is the 2008 financial crises when the UK government stepped in to help the large banks and struggling automakers. On the other hand, government’s interventions may result in inefficiency such as price floors e. g. EU's Common Agriculture Policy which created huge surpluses (excess butter to make a cube of butter with 125m sides) (Debate Org. 2012) Another way the UK government can support business growth is to lighten the burden of taxation and administrative processes required to start up and run a business. The Bolton Committee suggested that taxation policies should reflect the government’s encouragement of entrepreneurial activity and improve the marketability of small businesses i. e. improving the degree to which an asset can be trad ed in the market without affecting its price (Stokes and Wilson, 2006). The government responded to this suggestion by giving small firms the advantage of benefitting from lower corporation tax rates.For example, a company with profits from ? 50,000 to ? 300,000 has a tax rate of 19%. However, once profits increase above this range, they are liable to the full 30% tax rate (UK Legislation, 2012). Similar to all other businesses, even the very small firms are responsible for health and safety on their premises for all workers and customers. For example, The Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act (1963) give employers thorough responsibilities ranging from machinery safety to even the temperature of the working environment.Another example is the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) which requires employers to take steps to ensure disabled employees are not discriminated against. Small firms have experienced major difficulties in following these regul ations to the letter. The government can help here by reducing its requirements regarding very small firms and by encouraging their inspectors to increase their awareness of smaller firms’ interests (UK Legislation, 2012). The third way in which the government can support business growth is in the provision of information and advice.Of all the factors initiating growth, the most important is luck and the ability to be aware of chance opportunities (Gill, 1985). In 1993, the UK government launched what Stokes and Wilson (2006) refer to as â€Å"a network of independent local business information and advice centres offering a range of services to the business community, designed to enhance the competitiveness of local companies†. This network is known as Business Links. The government can develop this initiative by providing online information and services thereby, reaching a larger range of businesses.However, Office for National Statistics (2008) show that 24% of SMEs lack online presence. Therefore, in addition to providing online information, the government has to encourage these companies to log on to the internet. Business owners and entrepreneurs tend to value advice from experienced business moguls. Therefore, the government can set up â€Å"business mentoring organisations that will provide practical advice and contacts for other businesses, based on hands-on experience† (Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2010).In 1972, on the recommendation of the Bolton Committee, the Small Firms Service (SFS) was set up to provide information through a network of 13 Small Firms Centres (SFCs); however, this service packed up in 1990 due to the irresponsibility and negligence of the management. In spite of the failure of the service in the UK, other governments recognised that if these organisations were successful, the benefits cannot be over-emphasized (Open Forum, 2012). They therefore set up similar schemes e. g. he United States Small Business Administration, the Australian business services portal of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources and the Small Business Directorate in the Ministry of Economic Development in New Zealand (LinkedIn, 2012). Business growth brings improved survival prospects through larger market shares, diversification into different markets and greater finance. It also brings an increased feeling of status and power. Most importantly, it enables a firm enjoy economies of scale. Wikipedia (2012) defines economies of scale as â€Å"the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion†.The common sources of economies of scale are purchasing – bulk buying of materials through long-term contracts, managerial – increasing the specialization of managers, financial – obtaining lower-interest charges when borrowing from banks and having access to a greater range of financial instruments, marketing – spreading the cost of advertising over a greater range of output in media market and technological – taking advantage of returns to scale in the production function. In the 1990s during the Asian economic crises, Tesco saw this as an opportunity to enter the market and once the economies started to recover, they emerged stronger.Today, they are the market leader in Thailand (Floyd, 2011). Whereas growth is encouraged, there are a number of possible problems arising from growth. Firstly, expansion brings pressure on a firms’ liquidity e. g. as a result of offering additional credit to encourage sales, and on its level of gearing. Also, although growth may have been planned efficiently by managers, they may find that this growth makes the firm’s various functions or projects more difficult to co-ordinate and to control, and its communication procedures slower.In addition, there is no guarantee that what is popular in the UK market will become equally popular overseas, because of local and national dif ferences (e. g. due to culture). Control and co-ordination also become more difficult as a result of international expansion. A good example of when business growth has been a huge disadvantage to a company is General Motors Limited in the USA (Open Forum, 2012). In conclusion, the three ways in which the UK government can support business growth are by improving access to finance, making information and advice available to people and by lightening tax and administrative load.However, even though supporting business growth is essential, it is important that this growth be controlled because even though small firms make less profit than the larger ones and have low chances of surviving in the dynamic world of business, they offer a better and more flexible service to customers and their staff often benefit from high levels of motivation. They are also able to exploit their size and take advantage of the opportunities presented by diseconomies of scale suffered by large firms.Most imp ortantly, they play an important role in ensuring the economy remains balanced. Reference List * Birchall, N. (2009) ‘Survival of the smallest’, Business Review Journal, (Sept 2009), pp. 5-7 * British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (2012) Dragon’s Den [Online]. Available at: http://www. bbc. co. uk/programmes/p01009mj (Accessed on 13th October 2012) * Cameron, D. (2011) Is the Government serious about supporting small business? [Online]. Available at: http://goo. gl/l2rBl (Accessed on 13th October 2012) * Debate org. 2012) Should the government intervene with the free market and save failing businesses? [Online]. Available at: http://www. debate. org/opinions (Accessed on 1st November 2012) * Department for Business Innovation and Skills (2010) Backing small business [Online]. Available at: http://goo. gl/9gGe9 (Accessed on 13th October 2012) * Drucker, P. (1985) Innovation and Entrepreneurship. London: Heinemann * Floyd, D. (2011) Revise AS ; A2: Business Studie s. London: Letts Educational Ltd. * Gill, J. (1985) Factors affecting the survival and growth of the smaller company.Hants: Gower Publishing Company Limited * IFC (2012) Helping Attract Investment in Mozambique’s Tourism Sector [Online]. Available at: http://goo. gl/wkZqZ (Accessed on 30th October 2012) * LinkedIn (2012) Business Growth [Online]. Available at: http://www. linkedin. com (Accessed on 1st November 2012) * Office for National Statistics (2008) UK Business Statistics [Online]. Available at: http://nationalstatistics. gov. uk (Accessed on 12th October 2012) * Open Forum (2011) Why the Government should help Young Entrepreneurs start business [Online]. Available at: http://goo. l/uYwiZ (Accessed on 13th October 2012) * SME Fund (2012) SME Loan Guarantee Scheme [Online]. Available at: http://www. smefund. tid. gov. hk/english/sgs/sgs_objective. html (Accessed on 30th October 2012) * Stokes, D. and Wilson, N. (2006) Small Business Management ; Entrepreneurship. London : Thomson Learning * UK Legislation (2012) Employment and Tax-related Laws [Online]. Available at: http://www. legislation. gov. uk (Accessed on 2nd November 2012) * Wikipedia (2012) Economies of scale [Online]. Available at: http://www. wikipedia. com (Accessed on 4th November 2012)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Childcare Policy Proposal

The social welfare concern I chose for analysis is the growing concern for affordable daycare in the United States. Two specific problems I will be analyzing are â€Å"latch-key kids† and child neglect which are a direct result of not having access to affordable daycare. One of the main factors that contribute to these issues is poverty. Poverty has plagued children throughout United States history. Poverty rates are higher among the youngest children ages birth to four years. These children are more vulnerable to long term effects of poverty.According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, â€Å"An estimated forty-two percent of children under the age of eighteen are living below the poverty line. † (NCSC, 2009). About half of the forty-two percent live close to two hundred percent below the line. As the poverty rate rises, more single and low- income parents are in need of affordable daycare. A recent study showed that â€Å"Forty percent of low-income or si ngle-income families spend almost half of their total income on childcare† (Associated Press, 2007).Although subsidized programs are available, the waiting process can be long and tedious. For example, programs like Operation 3 Breakthrough which provide daycare at no cost to families have close to a thousand families on their waiting list. Because cities are not providing for the growing need childcare, parents are â€Å"forced† to seek alternative methods. One alternative parents chose is to leave their children either at home alone or with other siblings.An estimated seventy-seven percent of American kids are considered â€Å"latch-key' kids† (Another study showed that â€Å"nationwide, parents report leaving more than three million children under thirteen, some as young as five, to care for homeless for at least a few hours a week on a regular basis† (Associated Press, 2007). SAFETIES is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to reduce and stop pr eventable child injury and death. SAFETIES recommends that no child under the age of twelve be left alone for any period of time. There is no federal statute on the age a child can be safely left alone; it is left up to the states to decide.In Kansas, the current age a child can be left alone is twelve; however, in Missouri there is no age requirement. Although a child may be aware of emergency and accident prevention, any times they do not have the cognitive capability and Judgment to handle the situation when it occurs. Children four and under require interaction and supervision that another child can not adequately provide to them. â€Å"Children four and under are at a higher risk and make up half of the unintentional injury-related deaths among children fourteen and under† (Safe Kids, 2010).The bottom line is that the latch-key method of childcare results in an increasing amount of preventable child injury and death. NEGLECT 4 Neglect is federally defined as â€Å"Failu re of a parent or guardian to provide needed DOD, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision such that the child's health, safety, and well-being are threatened with harm† (HAS, 2009). â€Å"An estimated 5. 8 million children are neglected or abused each year† (HAS, 2009). Parents that do not have older children rely on neighbors, family members or friends to watch their children.This is sometimes referred to as â€Å"patchwork† childcare. Out of desperation, other parents leave their children alone at home, public parks, or public libraries. â€Å"Children and their families may be in need of services even though the parent may not be intentionally gleeful. When poverty limits a parent's resources to adequately provide necessities for the child, services may be offered to help families provide for their children† (American Humane society, 2010). Attachment Theory, (Bowl, 1969) shows certain aspects that all children require and need in order to flour ish and grow healthy.In order to have â€Å"Secure attachment† children need human physical contact. â€Å"Physical connection means plenty of touch and eye contact. Such things as cradling an infant while feeding, cuddling with a toddler before bedtime, and hugging a teenager increase the sense of physical injection, especially if touch and eye contact take place on a daily basis throughout childhood years† (Wassermann, 2006). Many times the child goes from place to place, to different locations and sometimes watched by â€Å"strangers†. The child has no stability, permanency or sense of â€Å"home. Permanency is a key factor for early child development. A â€Å"safe haven† is needed so that when a child feels threatened or afraid, he or she can return to the caregiver for comfort and soothing. If the child is alone or does not receive POLICY PROPOSAL 5 this comfort, they will eventually stop relying on the caregiver and become outdrawn. Children also n eed a â€Å"secure base† that is provided by the caregiver. This gives them safe and dependable place to explore the world. In many cases the caregiver is not intentionally putting the child in danger, but is simply unaware of the many household dangers to children. Separation distress† is also detrimental too child's well-being. When separated from the primary caregiver, the child will immediately become upset and depressed. Many children experience this even in the most â€Å"normal†, ideal family circumstances. A deficiency in any of these areas can affect a child later down the road. LEGISLATION In the past, the United States has tried to correct this problem through legislation. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (FADE) was first passed in 1935, provided money for â€Å"relief† to help families provide for their children.In 1972, President Nixon built on the idea but changing it to Aid to Dependent Children (DC) trying to switch focus on to t he children as opposed to the family. Republicans typically have a â€Å"laissez fairer† attitude, however all sides felt this was an important issue. Later Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANK) was created in 1996 and reformed the DC. With TANK, time limits were put in place, and subsidies were provided to parents to help them care for their children. Currently the federal government allows up to thirty percent of each state's TANK funds to be used alongside current child care grants.In the sass's The Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare act focused on keeping the child with the biological parents at any cost. Later this was reformed into the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997. The new act switched the focus from family preservation to safety and permanency of the child. 6 The Child Care and Development Block Grant (JDBC) is a block grant given to tastes to subsidize child care for low-income families if parents are currently employed or enrolled in school. â⠂¬Å"Approximately 1. 8 million US children receive funds, 36,300 in Missouri alone† (IDS, 2009).The grant only applies to children thirteen and under offering in-kind assistance to their families. â€Å"An average of sixty-six dollars per week given in vouchers to subsidize child care† (Almanac of Economic Policy, 1995). Another step in the right direction is provided by the Early Childhood Development, Education, and Care Fund (SEDUCE). This is another block grant that is provided to tastes and has many programs set in place to allow the child to remain in the home instead of utilizing facilitated child care.They offer a program called Stay At Home Parent (ASAP) which allows families with children three and younger to receive in- cash and in-kind benefits in order to provide childcare themselves. Other qualifications this program include teen moms, high risk, no permanent residence, unemployed, The family must also be 185% below the poverty line to be eligible. While t hese programs have been successful with goals regarding abuse, safety, and permanency; the poverty level continues to be at an all time high. LOOKING ABROAD – THE NETHERLANDS I chose to compare our policies with The Netherlands.I found that the Netherlands is more progressive with its view of social welfare than the United States, however is far behind almost all other European countries. In The Netherlands they offer what are considered â€Å"General Provisions. † Basically every citizen is entitled to certain basic needs and provisions. General provisions include Child development groups, pre- school playgroups, child day-care, out of school child care, special education, primary 7 education, and youth health services. All of these programs are universal and available to all citizens.The majority of the provisions are geared towards children staying with parents if possible to have a strong family unit. They offer extended maternity and parental leave for both parent s to lower the cost and need for facilitated child care centers. The funding fro child care and maternity/parental leave is provided by both national and local municipal authorities. All citizens pay in for the â€Å"greater good† of country. LOOKING AHEAD – REFORM I propose not to create a new policy but reform the currant policy.I feel that the Child Care and Development Block Grant (JDBC) is meeting the expectations and Laos the program was designed for. Because the problem is growing rapidly, changes need to be made so that we don't lose control of the situation. The program's goals would continue to focus on importance of family, and strive to provide stability, permanency, and enrichment to families. I also feel that we need more focus on early child development (birth to four years) because it will play a dramatic role later in these children's lives.Working and collaborating with programs such as Head Start provide care givers tools to provide young children wi th what they need to thrive. Graduated assignment should be another key factor in the success of the program. Graduated disengagement is one of the most important core functions of social work. As social workers we need to help people build their own support system so that when they complete the process, they don't feel alone or back where they started. Finding activities and helping them build new trusting relationships is a key factor in this step.They need a support system in place so that when crisis or hardship happens, they POLICY PROPOSAL do not feel hopeless. SERVICES 8 The program I am proposing would be separated into two main groups. The first group is children ages birth to four years and the second would reach children ages five to eighteen years old. Playgroups which are used in the Netherlands as well as many other European countries give young children ages birth to four years old a chance to interact and socialize with other children their age.Licensed facilitators specializing in early education and development will guide volunteers in providing educational and stimulating activities. Meetings would be held three times a week at local schools, churches, parks, and community centers. Keeping the locations in the neighborhoods of he people they are serving will make attending the programs easier for these families. Child day care will also be provided to families that qualify. Accredited programs are required for all programs receiving grant funding implementing the core value competency.The number of locations should be based on the need for each individual community. For example, in areas of greater need, there should also be greater access to programs. I would also like to propose â€Å"Emergency' child care. This program would be a temporary â€Å"safe† arrangement to offer parents â€Å"peace of mind† if their usual arrangements fall through. For example if the baby-sitter doesn't show up, or you have a family emergency, you could drop your child off for a short period of time. Children must already be enrolled in the program or be on some corresponding program such TANK to qualify.Companies that provide on-site day care centers for employees will also receive funding as well as tax incentives. This will give the parents incentive to want to keep their Job as well as peace of mind knowing their children are close by. 9 I also feel that more funds should be used for the Stay At Home Parent program to allow children ages four and under to be with their parents. Families that qualify will receive subsidies while working or attending school part-time and stay home with their child rest of the time.For older children ages five to eighteen the program would continue to offer rewarding after school and summer activities. The objective is to get these kids away from the TV and teach them about the world around them. These activities should based on the strengths perspective model. It is important to find somet hing that the child is interested in or desires, so that they can feel like they have a skill or purpose. After school programs would include tutoring, mentoring, counseling, skill building social interaction, violence prevention, and other similar programs.As social workers we must first build a trusting, positive relationship with the people we are working with. Finding common interests help to bridge partnerships and giving them someone they feel they can â€Å"turn to. † It is important to focus on forming positive relationships instead of trying â€Å"treat† them. These programs will give the children the skills they need to be responsible for their own behavior and become productive members of their communities. I would also like to provide subsidies for summer camps.I found some programs such as the YMCA that offer subsidized summer programs for under-privileged youth already. Many families struggle the most during the summer months when their children are out o f school. This would eliminate having to pay for child care the entire three months of summer, as well as give the child something enjoyable to do. 10 Parents would be provided education and resources on child development and health. The program would offer employment resources, resume help, transportation assistance, interview techniques, internet access, and listings for local Job openings in the

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay - 1

Assignment Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management (Benchmark Assessment) - Essay Example Delivery of healthcare needs a continuous improvement of the quality in order to increase patient satisfaction rates. Since the nurses are the closet to the patients with regard to delivery of healthcare, they have the greatest opportunity to constantly identify areas in which to improve the quality of healthcare. However, as Feldman and Alexander (2012) say, the nurses cannot do this in a vacuum; they need an environment that will make it possible for them to improve the quality of services. Everyone in the healthcare environment has an opportunity as well as a responsibility to be involved in the continuous quality improvement. Continuous quality improvement should be the ethos of any healthcare facility. Needless to say, nurse managers have a very important role in making sure that the healthcare environment has the right facilities and conditions to facilitate continuous quality improvement. Since nurses have such a big role to play and are a very important resource in the implementation of the continuous quality improvement, how they are managed by nurse managers determines to what extent they are capable of implementing the continuous quality improvement programs within their area of practice. In this regard, there exists a number of management practices that such managers should consider in helping nurses to practice and facilitate continuous quality improvement. Apparently, management and leadership and are two diverse issues and this has an effect on the way nurses are capable of been productive in their work. Leadership, in the context of continuous quality improvement, has a better chance of delivering success and making it possible for the nurses to continually improve their services. For any healthcare facility to be able to benefit from nurse leadership as much as possible, it would be necessary to have the systems that help in