Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Christian Church In M.A. Essays - Avignon Papacy, Cardinal-nephews

Christian Church In M.A. The Christian Church in the Middle Ages played a significant role in society. Unfortunately though, the church is often regarded as the capital of corruption, evil, and worldliness. Today, so many people depict the medieval church as being led by materialistic popes, devouring tithes from poverty-stricken peasants, having various illegitimate children, and granting indulgences for money from wayward believers. Yes, circumstances like this may have been the case, and is often hard to disapprove, considering the fact that this notion is often advocated in movies. But we must open our mind, and look at the situations first before jumping to conclusions. As many things define the distinct characteristics of history, the Christian church has made a remarkable milestone especially during the Middle Ages. Christianity's emergence as an official religion influenced not only the church, it enabled people to look beyond the obsession of power and worldly pleasures, but to a final and ultimate reward for a life well spent. Everybody put their faith in the hope and love of the Christian God. It gave the people goals and led them to the right path, yet why is it looked down upon so harshly? Maybe it was because of the wealth it exemplified, or the deterioration of morality in the popes. One can heedlessly conclude that the Medieval church was corrupt and unholy, but that would not justify its existence. Accordingly, the church was just trying to adjust itself to an age of chaos and uncertainty. The idea that the medieval church was immoral can be rooted on a few methodological errors. The arbitrary use of historical evidence and the ignorance of the circumstances are a couple to name. Maybe putting together one thousand years of the history of the church with a disregard to any historical development may represent the medieval church as a corrupt institution, but still it is not necessary to go as far as to say that the church was corrupt. It is also worth noting that not all contemporaries who were interested in the reformation, such as Erasmus, joined Luther in his famous feat, the Reformation. With this in mind, Luther and other reformers are usually credited with bringing the church back to the New Testament ideal, which is not necessarily the case. Luther and his contemporaries definitely did not introduce the concept of ?reform?. Actually, during this time of the wealth and luxury of monastic orders, reform was a recurring theme. But considering the way various popes around Europe tried to bring the church back to its wholesome state, is good to note that most monastic treatises arguing the moral decline of the church do their best to make the church appear as black and unholy as possible. They depict every little thing that is in the least tainted with anything immoral ten times as worse as it really was, alleging that it was excessive with luxury, worldliness, and corruption. Another element that contributes to the misleading idea that the church was corrupt were the clerical abuses taken place during the later Middle Ages. Many people picture the church being run in an authoritarian and totalitarian way by misguided popes, hungry for money and power. This was not always true but trying not to contradict that fact that there were cases of clerical abuses during the medieval times would be a lie, which were accurately addressed by Protestant reformers. The major problem relating to the maltreatment of power between the popes was commonly known as the traffic in indulgences, which certainly was a commercial exploitation. Essentially, it meant to basically pay off for forgiveness whatever you are going to do or did wrong. With this money was the church able to build various art forms that made it clearly visible of the popes abuse because of its elaborate existence. An example of this would be in the Vatican, which we can still see today. With this, the sales of indulgences brought forth a major factor concerning the corruption of the church. The granting of indulgences was accepted from the Crusades and grew more popular during the later Middle Ages. This practice of Tetzel, Luther's adversary went way beyond the doctrinal limits the church set long ago,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Near Earth Objects essays

Near Earth Objects essays Near-Earth Objects are comets and asteroids that have been pushed by the gravitational attraction of nearby planets into orbits that allow them to enter the Earth's neighborhood. They are about 4.5 billion years and can range in size from pebbles or lumps of ice, to rocky or icy worlds nearly 1,000 kilometers across. An asteroid or comet may become a Near Earth Object when its trajectory intersects the orbit of the Earth or is within 0.3 Astronomical Units (distance between the earth and the sun). A Comet is a body revolving around the sun. A comet is characterized by a long, luminous tail, but only in the segment of the comets orbit when it passes closest to the sun. Composed mostly of water ice with rooted dust particles, comets originally formed in the cold outer planetary system while most of the rocky asteroids formed in the warmer inner solar system. A Meteor is a small solid body that enters a planet's atmosphere from outer space and raised to combustion by the friction resulting from its fast motion. An Asteroid is one of the many small or minor planets that are members of the solar system and that move in elliptical orbits primarily between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Some 65 million years ago dinosaurs and 75 percent of those species then on Earth seem to have been executed to extinction by the impact of a 10-kilometer-diameter (6-mile) NEO. The Tunguska event of 1908 in Siberia, warns the United States Air Force on small objects entering Earth's atmosphere, and particularly, the impact of some two dozen fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in 1994 all underscore that dangerous impacts may occur today. The best estimate of the probability of a civilization-threatening collision in the next century is nearly one in 1,000. Estimates of the numbers of Near Earth Objects of different sizes can be made either by direct measurement using ground-based telescopes or inferred from the numbers and sizes of...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Decision Document and Evaluation Assignment

Business Decision Document and Evaluation - Assignment Example This is based upon a number of ethical considerations and leadership and "business scorecard" approaches to decision making which have taken into account all the exogenous and internal factors present here which should ultimately affect the bidding contract and the willingness of the stakeholders to participate in an activity which is profitable and ethical. 3. In my advice I have taken into account the special consideration of being able to foresee arrangements under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) where the Hospital will be subsequently leased to the public sector/NHS.I have been made aware of the strong preference of our investment partners as to the presence of a single hospital serving the entire district in the interests of attracting specialists and for better economies of scale. However it has to be understood that the transport links across the district are not good with very poor bus services particular from and to the east side of the district. Overall it will be a better decision to have to more than one hospital. In the absence of that initiative then it is better to decide upon a site that has better access to transport and fewer access problems. The decision document and its relevant considerations 4. Poor transport linking is the obvious problem with Site A (Old Colliery) which is a disused mining site situated in the east of the district. This is because it has been stated that the transport links are poor. This may be an economical site due to the low quality environment and the availability of cheap labour however this may not be worth the ethical issues which would arise due to the doubts as to health issues here. I have been made aware of the unconfirmed rumours that part of the site was used at one time as a hazardous chemical dump and the unhealthy environment around the site which lacks greenery for the safety of the patients. 5. Coming to Site B (Dams Nature Reserve) I have been made aware that the site has the advantage of being accessible and acceptable for the residence of the professional staff. However I have also been made aware of the fact that the nature reserve itself has been declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to the presence of Great Crested Newts in some of the ponds and wetlands. I have also been told about the "Newts" and the financial strategy being offered to rid of these "Newts" with the involvement of the local area authority. However based on my personal ethics and professional values I would strongly oppose such a measure and although I would have chosen this site for what it offers I cannot approve of the means of procuring it. 6. The third site is the Site C: (Derelict Woolen Mill Complex) which is my primary choice for this hospital(s)l. This is primarily due its good motorway access here and the reasonable accommodation rates so the place does not become unaffordable for the poor patients converted into apartments. The only problem should be parking and further

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

If every physical event has a sufficient physical cause, how can a Essay

If every physical event has a sufficient physical cause, how can a functionalist account for mental causation - Essay Example The most important point to note about the functionalism is that it indicates that mental states which constitute beliefs, being in pain and desires are composed entirely by their functional roles. Being a theoretical; level existing between implementation and physical output, functionalism is different from Cartesian dualism which supports the physical substance and mental independency. The aim of this paper is to discuss how functionalist account for mental causation given that every physical event has a sufficient physical cause. One of the major worries that are experienced in functionalism is the problem of mental causation. This refers to facing a problem of accounting for the idea that intentional mental state and intentional thoughts are triggers of intentional actions1. Mental causation covers the mind’s interaction with the rest of the world and how it influences the behavior of individuals. One of the major sub-division of the problem of mental causation is problem of mental causal exclusion. Others are anomalism and externalism problems. A good example of the causal exclusion problem is indicated when pain is experienced and it is generally linked to a certain state, and the higher properties of that state occurs, then argument that it is pain can casually irrelevant. In dealing with the problem of mental causation, various responses have emerged. According to Antony and Levine 1997, the problem occurred due to highly restrictive causation whereby a cause has to produce its effect. Other phil osophers indicate that causation covers the relationships that exist between various events that must be invoked in order to produce a certain behavior. Recently, causal exclusion problem has been noted to relate with theories of mental states. Theorists such as Anthony and Levine indicated that even though mental states can be defined based on their

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Final review --- economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final review --- economics - Assignment Example 22. Starting from long-run equilibrium, without policy intervention, the long-run impact of an adverse supply shock is that prices will be permanently higher and output will be restored to the natural rate. 9. In the Keynesian-cross model, if the MPC equals .75, then a $1 billion increase in government spending increases planned expenditures by S.75 billion and increases the equilibrium level of income by more than S. 75 billion Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) is an empirical metric that quantifies induced consumption, the concept that the increase in personal consumer spending (consumption) occurs with an increase in disposable income (income after taxes and transfers). The proportion of the disposable income which individuals desire to spend on consumption is known as propensity to consume. MPC is the proportion of additional income that an individual desires to consume. The tax multiplier is the ratio of the change in aggregate production to an autonomous change in government taxes when consumption is the only induced expenditure. Autonomous tax changes trigger the multiplier process and induced consumption provides the cumulatively reinforcing interaction between consumption, aggregate production, factor payments, and income. MPC and MPS have an inverse relationship. Because they add up to 100 percent, as MPS increases, MPC decreases and vice versa. For example, if a company earns an extra $200 per month in income and consumes, or spends, $100 extra per month, $100 per month is saved. The MPS and MPC are both 50 percent. If the business starts to spend $150 per month, only $50 is saved. The MPC increases to 75 percent, while the MPS decreases to 25 percent. 19. According to the theory of liquidity preference, if the supply of real money balances exceeds the demand for real money balances, individuals will purchase interest-earning assets in order to reduce holdings of non-interest-bearing money. 26. An increase in

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Role Of Internet And Web Service

The Role Of Internet And Web Service The roll of internet The internet is a universal technology platform that allows any computer to communicate with any other computer in the world. Furthermore, one of the advantages of the internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the internet. 2) The internet has revolutionized communication and thereby its contribution to information sharing. With access to a computer and an appropriate connection, anyone can interact with others worldwide; however the web is designed to exchange unstructured information: while people can read web pages and understand their meaning, computers cannot. 3) If corporations want to conduct business over the web, humans have to be involved unless there is a way for computers to communicate on their own. Web services:- Web services play a complementary and dominant role in building global IS for todays dynamic business world. Web services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located and invoked over a network. Web services perform functions ranging from simple requests to complicated business processes. Once a web service is developed, other applications and other web services can discover and invoke the deployed service through universal description, discovery and integration. The idea of web service is to leverage the advantages of the web as a platform to apply it to the application services. We use them, not just to the static information. Services refer to components and the services offered that can be used to build larger application services. Benefits of web services for developing IS of global natures are as follows: Web services tools are available for most computer systems, including mainframes and packaged applications. This means that not only the existing applications can be retained, but also the existing knowledge of staff can be applied and extended using web services for business integration. Web services are adaptable and can handle changes ore readily than other integration solutions, because they use structured text as their message format. IT managers now have the ability to exchange data between most applications, on most computers in a consistent and standard way tools and further standards are therefore emerging to build composite applications that can model and manage business processes around these business-level components. If necessary, an alternative application can be used to provide web services without changing the overall effect of the system. Q:-2.How do distributed information systems help the global enterprises? Ans) Distributed information systems help the global enterprises as follows:- Success in the digital economy led by the rise of e-business. Business completion and pressures are on the rise like never before. Business now has no geographical boundaries. With the rise of mobile commerce fuelled by mobile technologies. We are now witnessing the era of anywhere anytime computing. Naturally, information that has been one of the vital corporate resources assumes a higher dimension when it comes to data and information security. There is an important point to be noted-while the industrial age witnessed great developments in terms of engineering, a significant dimension. Producers and consumers of goods all remained disparate and unconnected. They operated is islands of geographical pockets without knowing how the others were transacting their business. Q:-3 briefly describe about the information level threats versus Network level threats? Ans) information level threats versus network level threats:- Information level threats Network level threats Information level threats are threats that involve the dissemination of information in such a way that organizations, their operations and their operations and their reputations may be affected. 1. Network level threats face any application that is connected to an IP network such as the Internet or includes campus and corporate networks. Servers and clients for Email and web applications have faced these threats for ten years or more, and the range of threats and the technologies used to exploit them is well understood. Information level threats also make heavy use of network but at the primary level is the content of a message and not its form. Sending take inquires to service accounts to eat up resources would qualify as an information based attack as it is the content of the messages that would provide a basis for the attack. The example of information based accusation. Such attacks can cause considerable damage to the goodwill of the organization against which they may be launched, and customer loyalty is too good to lose. 2. network based threats are hacking of computer systems and launching of DOS attacks as well as spreading malicious code such as viruses. Other security issues involved when data are transmitted over networks are confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. A DOS attack that is based on flooding accounts with large quantities of e-mail is a network-based attack as it is the size and the quantity of the e-mail that matters and not the content of the e-mail. Part B Q:-4 how the security challenges presented by mobile devices and information systems access in wireless computing environments? Ans) Mobile computing with real world significance has been expanding since the introduction of laptop computers into everyday use. During the last few years new classes of smaller wireless portable devices have come to the market place. The possible and probable shift from wire-line terminals to relatively cheap, wireless, small, portable devices in huge numbers poses as such new challenges to the security in the network infrastructure. This holds not only for the air-interface, but also for the wire-line backbone network. It is foreseeable that, e.g. roaming between different types of networks becomes necessary and possible. Evidently, secure roaming between the networks is an issue, because otherwise a hostile terminal could take-over a session during hand-over from a network to another. 2) The scope of the security issues related with the terminals will be enhanced as compared to the current voice terminals on one hand and the fixed terminals on the other hand. This is because the internet-enabled terminals will be used as PTDs. to conduct diverse mobile electronic commerce transactions and possibly also transactions towards the authorities. They are also natural part of information systems of corporations. Thus, such a terminal becomes a much more attractive object for ordinary thieve s or fir other people wanting to misuse the cyber-identity of the owner, than the current voice terminals. The information stored into such a device or the access to the corporate networks through stolen device may also be interesting for criminal elements, enemies, or for hard commercial competitors. 3) Location -based services are emerging as a brand-new service typical of the globally roaming PTDs. The possibility to track the persons location at any time is evidently a threat to privacy. The location-based services also entail many security aspects; for instance, if a burglar could track a persons position unnoticed, he/she would know when the owner is far enough so that the home could be robbed. And vice verso, if a person can show her trace on earth she can argue against claims raised against her in criminal cases. Q:-5 what is the role of Information Security Scenario in the financial sector? Ans) Parma Systems, Inc.  allows financial organizations to protect their data communications against both internal and external security risks. The last twelve to fifteen years have seen a fundamental transformation occur in the financial services sector mergers and acquisitions, regulatory changes, the globalized economy, new requirements for anytime, anywhere access and the changing role of the technology have reshaped the industry and significantly altered the way financial organizations must manage their businesses. In response to these challenges, financial services organizations have implemented a number of new corporate strategies, remote management and access capabilities, and extended networking infrastructure. However, the infrastructure that supports these new processes is often managed by a myriad of legacy and inherently complex set of networking and security systems. This creates significant complexities with regards to network connectivity and security management.   Additional information security challenges arise from a series of legislative and regulatory initiatives including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Graham-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act (GLBA), and the European Data Privacy Directive (EDPP). These laws require enhanced security and privacy, and raise the legal and financial stakes for enterprises that fail to meet their standards. More legislation that further controls the protection of privacy data is also on the way. Parma Systems, Inc.  technologies are designed to help your organization to effectively manage security risks, and comply with external and internal security policies. The Parma product suite allows for your organization to customize and develop a robust, secure, and scalable product that can address the most stringent secure connectivity requirements now and in the future. Q:-6 explain the significance of authentication security service? Ans) There are two components of security in mobile computing: security of devices and security in networks. A secure network access involves the mutual authentication between the device and the base stations or web servers. This is to ensure that only authenticated devices can be connected to the network for obtaining the requested services. No malicious node can impersonate the service provider to trick the device into doing something it does not mean to. Thus, the networks also play a crucial role in the security of mobile devices. Some eminent kinds of attacks to which mobile devices are subjected to be push attacks, pull attacks and crash attacks. Authentications services security is important given the typical attacks on mobile devices though wireless networks: denial of services attacks, traffic analysis, eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks and session hijacking. Cryptographic security for mobile devices:- Cryptographically generated addresses. CGA are internet protocol version 6 addresses where up to 64 address bits are generated by hashing the address owners public key. The address owner uses the corresponding private key to assert address ownership and to sign messages sent form the address without a public-key infrastructure of other security infrastructure. For exp, the cryptographic provider manager in palm OS5 is a system-wider suite of cryptographic services for securing data and resources on a palm-powered device. The CPM extends encryption services to any application written to take advantage of these capabilities, allowing the encryption of only selected data or of all data and resources on the device.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Study Of Akali Metal Contamination In Road Side Soil :: essays research papers

The Study of Akali Metal Contamination in Road Side Soil Abstract Six soil samples were taken from a roadside that was expected to exhibit characteristic of road salt contamination. This contamination is characterized by the presence of magnesium, calcium and sodium. The relationship between akali metal concentration and distance from the pavement was examined and determined to be nonexistent. Additionally, atomic absorbtion and atomic emission spectroscopy were compared and and atomic absorbtion was found to be 1.89 times as sensitive as atomic emission. Introduction A common technique in snow and ice removal on roadways is the application of magnesium, calcium, and sodium chloride salts to the surface of the road. When the ice melts it dissolves these salts and causes them to migrate into soil that is adjacent to the pavement. Over time, the accumulation akali metal salts can change the chemical profile of the soil which can lead to detrimental biological effects. Flame atomic spectroscopy provides a technique that can quantify metal concentrations in the extracts of the soil samples and consequently examine the relationship between distance from the point of road salt application and akali metal concentrations. Experimental Soil preparation: Six surface soil samples were collected at the intersection of Cold Spring Lane and the exit ramp of Interstate 83, in northwest Baltimore city. These samples were collected at distances from the roadway of 0m, 2m, 4m, 6m, 10m, and 20m. These samples were dried in a convection oven at 110Â °C for over 24 hours then crushed. Aliquots of approximately one gram were weighed and then extracted with 10.0 mL of 1M ammonium acetate. The extract was filtered with an inline filter disc with a pore size of 5mm and then diluted to 100.0 mL. Instrumental: The extracts were analyzed for Ca, Na, and Mg using a Varian model AA-3 flame atomization spectrophotometer with a diffraction grating monochromator. Data was collected with a Houston Instrument chart recorder. An acetylene/air reducing flame was used for all determinations (10 psi acetylene/7 psi air). Two replicates of each sample were made and averaged for both AA and AE. The analysis was seperated into two methods; atomic absorbtion (AA) and atomic emission (AE). The emission intensities and absorbances were determined from the measured peak height obtained from the chart recordings. Atomic Emission: Na and Ca concentrations in the soil were determined using AE. The spectrophotometer was calibrated using the standard series method for both elements. Regression analysis was performed on the calibration data to provide a functional relationship between emision intensity and concentration. Results and Conclusions: Sodium: The atomic line used in the analysis for sodium was at 589.0 nm. The relationship between emision intensity and concentration was found to be

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Arts and the Creative Process

The main forms of expression in the arts are painting, music, theater and dance. Art disciplines have been in existence from the beginning of time. Man has an instinctive need to express himself.Thus, this was manifested in wall paintings in Egypt, silk paintings in the Asian communities, Greek sculptures in European cities among other artifacts.DanceThe first dance is salsa. The primary element in this dance is weight change. The dancer shifts his or her weight without affecting the upper body. Only the lower body moves to the music. This is normally a partner dance. It is often performed by a man and a woman.The pace of the dance varies with the drummer’s beats. It can be very fast or moderately slow. The movements in this style are fluid since it was originally borrowed from several other influences (Cooper, 2001).The second is the Waltz. This dance was conceptualized in the 18th century in Eastern Europe. It is a ballroom dance, where the dancer glides gracefully across th e room with a partner. The basic steps are relatively easy to learn. The partners hold each other close while dancing. There is a leader, the man, who shows the follower, the woman, the next step. The third is tap dance.Here, the performer wears specially made shoes that produce a clear tapping sound when they hit the floor. The tap sounds must vary to create a different resonance with each step (Dolfsma, 2004). The performer must balance his or her weight on the balls of their feet. The feet are used to produce rhythmic sounds.The final dance is the break dance. This was primarily a street dance. The style integrates suppleness and style. The breaker’s upper body must be very sturdy. The head and hands are most utilized in this dance.MusicThe first genre of music is pop. This is the popular music at any one time. The performers can vary in number. The songs have a melodic chorus that is easy to remember.   However, the songs are arranged in the traditional structure. The s econd is Rock and Roll. Guitars are the main instruments played here. The music has gained massive popular appeal over the years (Dolfsma, 2004). It is truly motivated by Blues music. There are two types, soft and hard rock.The third type is Gospel music. It is sung to express faith in Christianity. It is a substitute to conventional music in the secular realm. It is expressed in all other genres. The main theme is giving praise to God. The final genre is neo-soul. It is a fairly recent form of harmony. This music is very poetic. The themes of the songs are usually socially conscious. This music is a combination of jazz and hip-hop.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ethics In The Age Of Information Essays - Hacker, File Sharing

Ethics In The Age Of Information Essays - Hacker, File Sharing Ethics in the Age of Information The information age is the age we live in today, and with the information age comes an age of ethics. When we deal with the new technologies introduced every day, we need to decide what we must consider ethical and unethical. We must consider all factors so that the use of the information readily available to many persons is not abused. "Information technology will be the most fundamental area of ethical concern for business in the next decade" (Houston 2). The most widely used tool of the information age is the computer, whether it be a PC or a network of computer systems. As we enter the information age the newness and power of information technologies tests the ethics of the average person, not just the criminal and causes thousands of computer crimes to be committed daily. The most common computer crime committed daily, some aware and many not, is the illegal sharing of computer software. Software is any of the programs used in operating a digital computer, as input and output programs, as defined by Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary. When you purchase computer software, you purchase it with the underezding that it will be for use on a single computer, once installed on that system, it is not to be loaded on any other computer. However many people are not aware of this underezding, and many load a program on a couple of computers or on a whole network of computer systems not aware that they are committing a crime. Even though you probably will not be prosecuted for loading a program on a friends computer, this is where your ethics come in. Do you consider anything when you share a program with others? If not then consider the programmers of the software who are denied compensation for their developments every time you distribute a piece of software. "Why is it that people who wouldn't think of stealing pack of gum will copy a $500 piece of software" (Houston 3)? A popular form off illegal software distribution is throughout the online world. Whether it be the Internet, America Online, CompuServe, Prodigy, or a BBS (Bulletin Board System), software "pirates" thrive freely online. These so called "pirates" operate by uploading pieces of software, commonly referred to as "warez", into an online service's database then sending through e-mail the rights to download them. "The Information Superhighway has opened the door to a new kind of highway robbery - the home shoplifting network" (Mattia 43). When you access a online service, you are identified through an account which most commonly consists of a user ID and password. The password is so you only can access the online service with your user ID. Many people online use their own accounts to access their service, but many steal and use the accounts of others or make fake accounts. When online, these account "pirates" many times trick other users into giving their passwords to them by impersonating an employee of the online service. Others can hack into the online services mainframe computer and steal thousands of accounts. Probably the most common method of getting online without paying is the use of fake or fraudulent accounts. These are made by giving false information when attempting to gain access to an online service. Name, address, phone number, and billing information, such as checking account or credit card number, are all falsified in obtaining an online account. With these stolen and fake accounts, software "pirates" have virtually unlimited time to download their "warez" without any charge to them. Many people don't consider the people behind the creation of software when they illegally distribute it. The developers of software are not properly compensated for their work because of the extent of software piracy. No one can argue with a software company's desire, and right, to make sure everyone using their products has paid for it (Furger 73). The numbers add up, it is estimated that in 1994 alone that software companies lost $15 billion from illegal software copying (Maremont 65). It is not only illegal, but clearly unethical to distribute software knowing that the people behind the software are experiencing the downfalls of it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Largest Cities in the World

Largest Cities in the World The 9th edition of the National Geographic Atlas of the World, published in 2011, estimated the urban area population of the worlds largest cities, those with a population above 10 million people, which they termed megacities. The population estimates for the worlds largest cities below are based on population estimates from 2007. Population numbers for the worlds largest cities are rounded since they are incredibly difficult to determine precisely; millions within most megacities live in poverty in shantytowns or other areas where accurate census taking is near impossible. The following eighteen largest cities in the world are all those with a population of 11 million or more, based on the National Geographic atlas data. 1. Tokyo, Japan - 35.7 million 2. Mexico City, Mexico - 19 million (tie) 2. Mumbai, India - 19 million (tie) 2. New York City, United States - 19 million (tie) 5. Sao Paulo, Brazil - 18.8 million 6. Delhi, India - 15.9 million 7. Shanghai, China - 15 million 8. Kolkata, India - 14.8 million 9. Dhaka, Bangladesh - 13.5 million 10. Jakarta, Indonesia - 13.2 million 11. Los Angeles, United States - 12.5 million 12. Buenos Aires, Argentina - 12.3 million 13. Karachi, Pakistan - 12.1 million 14. Cairo, Egypt - 11.9 million 15. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 11.7 million 16. Osaka-Kobe, Japan - 11.3 million 17. Manila, Philippines - 11.1 million (tie) 17. Beijing, China - 11.1 million (tie) Additional lists of population estimates for the largest cities in the world can be found in my Largest Cities of the World collection of lists.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Whaterbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whaterbury - Essay Example Among the objectives is to improve the access to comprehensive and high quality health care services to the community. Therefore, the hospital embarks on increasing the number of patients under the insurance scheme to enhance affordable services. In addition, they aim at increasing the number of health workers and supporting other healthcare providers (Waterbury Hospital 3). Another objective is to reduce drug abuse users and improve their mental health. It is to be achieved through enrolling many patients with mental disorders into treatment, increasing primary health care providers, and creating awareness among the community. Reduction of chronic diseases and promoting good health to the community is another objective. The Waterbury Hospital aims at increasing education on nutrition, health counseling, and expanding the program on physical fitness. However, the hospital has a goal of reducing death, illness, and disability associated with the use of tobacco. To achieve this, there will be screening and education to patients who are smokers before discharge from the hospital (Waterbury Hospital 7). The hospital also will support and participate in the ‘American Lung Foundation’ in creating awareness. Waterbury Hospital, therefore, aims and prioritize at addressing the four community health care needs in order to achieve its mission. Waterbury Hospital: CHNA Implementation Strategy 2013. Web. 19 March. 2015

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Lighthouse and Two Lights and Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Essay

The Lighthouse and Two Lights and Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Maine - Essay Example The essay "The Lighthouse and Two Lights and Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Maine" analyzes Edward Hopper's "The Lighthouse and Two Lights" and "Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Maine". Hopper’s style features shapes that are strongly contrasted against each other, giving them a sense of being solidly real as in his paintings â€Å"The Lighthouse at Two Lights† (1929) and â€Å"Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Maine† (1927). Although these two paintings seem to have been painted in the same area of the country and in the same style, the paintings achieve different effects. These paintings share similar subjects and locations even though their dimensions are quite different. Both paintings depict scenes found on the coast of Maine. The focal point of both paintings is centered upon a white structure as it appears on a clear day in the style of the American Realist. â€Å"Placed in the middle of a cultural search for an American identity precipitated by a nation al crisis, the artist was caught between hope and helplessness. The quest for what was uniquely American inspired the artist to paint the heroic, the ordinary and the novel†. In painting a coast guard station and a lighthouse, Hopper caught an image of the heroic, the ordinary and the novel all in the singular structure of the building featured. The lighthouse painting is approximately 29 inches high by approximately 43 inches wide while the coast guard station painting is significantly smaller at approximately 14 inches high by approximately 20 inches wide.